When members of the University of Sioux Falls (USF) community conduct or sponsor research projects that involve collecting or analyzing data from people, they incur legal and ethical obligations for respecting and protecting the subjects. The purpose of the USF Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to help USF employees, students, or outside persons carry out these obligations responsibly and effectively, and by doing so, safeguard the rights and well-being of the subjects and minimize the liability risk to the institution and its employees.

The IRB carries out its purpose by overseeing all human subjects research conducted by faculty, students, staff, or outside parties at USF through the development and use of federally-compliant procedures. Questions related to these procedures can be addressed to Dr. Bill Soeffing, IRB Chairperson, at bill.soeffing@usiouxfalls.edu 

Belmont Report

IRB Procedures

IRB Applications

Exempt Category 1 Application
     Signature Page
Exempt Category 2 Application
     Signature Page
Exempt Category 3 Application
     Signature Page
Exempt Category 4 Application
     Signature Page
Exempt Category 6 Application
     Signature Page
Expedited Full Application Review Form
     Signature Page

IRB Consent Forms

Assent for Cognitively Impaired Non Medical
Assent for Cognitively Impaired Medical
Waiver of Documentation of Consent
Informed Consent Medical
Informed Consent Non Medical
Medical Parental Informed Consent
Non-Medical Parent Informed Consent
Phone Script Consent
Specimen for Future Use With Identifiers
Specimen for Future Use Without Identifiers
Template Cover Letter
Waiver of the Process of Informed Consent