Student Organizations & Clubs
There are many clubs and organizations for students to join. Contact with any questions.
USF Student Orgs
USF is a vibrant community with a range of activities to appeal to every student. It's nearly impossible to be bored at USF with all of the things that happen on campus!
There are many clubs and organizations for students to join. Contact with any questions.
USF Student OrgsIt's more work to be bored at USF than it is to have fun! There are activities planned all week long, and there is rarely a day in the week where there isn't something going on for you to enjoy. Some popular events include:
USF Idol is an annual event featuring the vocal talent of USF students. Over the course of several weeks, students compete to be the next USF Idol. The best part is that, even if you don't want to sing, the showmanship of our students is amazing, and you get to vote for whom YOU think should win!
Our students love Bingo and free food, so why not combine the two? Grocery Bag Bingo gives students the opportunity to interact with their fellow students and restock their fridges!
Students and staff set up areas with information on and food representing their culture and heritage, so students have the opportunity to learn more about different countries and try foods specific to their culture.
There are team sports leagues happening year-round. These leagues include volleyball, kickball, flag football, basketball, indoor soccer and softball. In addition to leagues, there are multiple tournaments that happen throughout the year, including Frisbee golf, doubles table tennis, dodge ball, spike ball, 3 v. 3 basketball, ultimate frisbee and lawn games.
Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) is a live-action game of tag wherein Humans need to survive the Zombie infection. Humans defend themselves with socks as the Zombie hoard chases and hunt them down where a simple touch by a Zombie infects and turns a Human! The game is played 24/7 over the course of the week with a variety of missions, and the one over-arching mission: survival.
One of the strongest USF Traditions, the USF Olympics occurs in both the fall and spring semesters with the USF Summer and Winter Olympics. Each competition pits Residential Halls, off-campus students and faculty/staff/alumni against each other in a series of challenges. With events ranging from Speed Walking to Volleyball to Curling to Figure Skating, these week-long events build camaraderie and friendships in a dynamic environment centered around competition and spirit.
USF's Homecoming Cougar Days is a week-long tradition jam-packed with activities and events for both students and alumni — varying from voting for King and Queen, movies, lawn games and the President's Picnic, to the football game and tailgate!
Our six residence halls foster a good balance of fun and support–in the form of friends and floormates and activities–as you pursue your academic goals at USF.
Read More »The University of Sioux Falls is a member of the NCAA Division II, competing in the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference. Learn more about being an athlete at USF.
Read More »USF’s Media Center offers students the most updated resources available to produce content for the USF Vessel, The Vessle Magazine and KCFS Radio.
Read More »Explore the dining options available on campus at the University of Sioux Falls.
Read More »USF strives to support the whole student through services such as tutoring, counseling and Cougar Cupboard.
Read More »Culture for Service is the traditional motto of the University. We seek to foster academic excellence and the development of mature Christian persons for service to God and humankind in the world.
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