USF True Cost Calculator

Our most accurate way to estimate all forms of financial aid and find your out-of-pocket-cost for USF is bundled into this handy calculator! You'll need two things: 1) high school GPA and 2) expected family contribution (EFC) from your FAFSA. (This number is displayed on the confirmation page when you electronically submit your FAFSA. You can also access it by reviewing the Student Aid Report that is emailed to you or by contacting the USF Financial Aid Office.)

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Calculator for Academic Scholarships from USF

It's simple: All you need to do is enter your  GPA and this calculator will display your merit-based academic scholarship. 

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Net Price Calculator

This calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information based on what similar students paid in a previous year. Its availability is supported and mandated by the federal government at all universities. You’ll need to enter your age, marital status, whether or not you have children, number in your family, number in college, and household income.

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