Student Spotlight: Doménica Solano Ocampo '24

Doménica “Dome” Solano Ocampo grew up in Ecuador, never imagining she would attend college in the United States. God had other plans, and a special coach connected Dome to USF, where she was offered a scholarship and the opportunity to swim competitively.
She took a leap of faith and arrived on campus the day before classes started in 2020.
“Language was a challenge at first, but people were so friendly and helpful. I found many beautiful people here and some true angels,” she explains. “I came to USF to swim but I stayed because of the people.”
Four years later, Dome leaves a mark on the swim team and in the classroom, earning many accolades along the way. She will graduate this spring with degrees in exercise science and psychology and was accepted into the Master’s program for Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. “USF prepared me well. The faculty is extremely supportive, and I am grateful for the Academic Success Center,” she says. “I was also blessed by a research opportunity at the Avera Human Performance Center and I have an amazing alumni mentor.”
Her sophomore year, Dome became a resident assistant (RA) at North Residence Hall, where she is known for her cheerful outlook and vivacious nature. Her experience as an RA opened doors to clubs like Latinos Unidos and First Gen and new ways to serve and volunteer.
“I grew as a leader,” she says. “I made friends from all walks of life and love supporting them in their activities.”
Supporting others comes naturally to Dome. She grew up in a large, close-knit family that includes her mother, father and brother as well as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. While at USF, Dome was “adopted” by a second family that includes teammates, coaches, faculty, friends and people from her church and community.
“I have been surrounded by love and support my entire life, so God gave me a new family to love,” she says. “I was meant to come to USF, and I thank Him for that every day.”