Congratulations on your acceptance to the University of Sioux Falls! Complete the final steps below to become a USF student:


Apply for Housing

Apply for housing here. You will be notified when housing assignments have been completed.


Submit Health Insurance and Immunization Records.

International Student Orientation

International student orientation is held prior to the start of each semester's classes. Unless circumstances make it impossible, students are expected to attend. After you are accepted, you will receive information regarding dates, times and location.

Complete Travel Requirements for Re-entry

  1. Students who plan to travel out of country must secure a travel signature on page 2 of the I-20. The travel signature must come from the school’s PDSO or DSO. Please do not ask other school officials to sign the I-20. Their signatures are not valid for re-entry into the United States.
  2. Students are expected to fill out the Permission for Out-of-Country Travel form at least one week prior to departure.
  3. Please remember that passports must be valid for more than six months from the time of travel.
  4. If you are traveling within the United States, it is advisable for you to have your passport, I-94, visa and most recent I-20 in your possession in the event you are required to prove your nonimmigrant status. Please guard all official documents with greatest care.
  5. If you enroll in a travel course over January Interim, you are still required to follow the necessary procedures for out-of-county travel. Because your travel requirements will be different from those of U.S. students, it is very important for you to consult the Director of International Education as soon as you know you will be enrolling in a travel course.

*Requirements For F-1 Students and the USCIS