When is new student move-in?

New Residential (freshmen and transfers) will move-in, August 24, 2024 at your assigned time.  Check your room number and follow the schedule below.

8:30-9:30 a.m.Room numbers ending in 0, 1 and 2
9:30-10:30 a.m.Room numbers ending in 3 and 4
10:30-11:30 a.m.Room numbers ending in 5 and 6
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Room numbers ending in 7, 8 and 9

When is move-in for returning students?

Returning students will move in on August 26, 2024.

Where do I check-in?

  • If you are a new residential student, your check-in will be at your assigned residence hall.
  • If you are a new freshman commuter student, transfer commuter student, or football/volleyball/cross country student, your check-in will be in the McDonald Center - Ward Lobby from 12-2 p.m. This time frame is for you to connect with different departments to ensure you have completed all paperwork.

Why is there only a one hour time slot to move-in?

The one hour move-in time slot reserves families a parking spot right near the entrance of their student's residence hall and is intended to allow families easy access to unload cars and move items up to the room. Once the vehicle has been unloaded you will park in your recommended parking lot. Families are welcome to return to the residence hall to continue to assist their student.

Do I have to go to every orientation session?

Yes, all of the orientation sessions are REQUIRED and are an important part of becoming a new student at USF.

Do my parents need to stay for orientation?

We invite new students and their parents and guests to join the Welcome Ceremony with members of the USF community. Parents and guests can say their "see you laters" after the Welcome Ceremony or President's Dinner.

Do I have to stay on campus during orientation or can I stay with my parents?

We strongly encourage students to stay in their Residence Hall so they can get to know their roommate better, layout room expectations and set-up their room the way they would like. This allows new students to begin building community in their residence hall with fellow students, Resident Assistants and the Resident Director of the hall, all of which will help make the first year at USF a great one!

What should I wear to orientation?

We recommend wearing comfortable clothes during orientation because you will be sitting in sessions and moving around for activities.

Do I need to bring money to orientation?

Everything going on during orientation will be free to you. However, Cougar Central will be open for those who want to buy some new Cougar wear. Cooper's Cafe our Starbucks coffee shop will also be open before each orientation session.

What is my mailbox address?

All students are assigned a campus mailbox located in Pierce Hall of the McDonald Center. Please note: Student Life will be emailing you mailbox information in early August via your USF email address. Below is an example of your USF address:

Your Name
1101 W. 22nd St., Box ###
Sioux Falls, SD 57105

How do I order my books?

Visit our online bookstore. Then follow these instructions.

  • Select "order textbooks"
  • Select "term", then your "course", "course number" and "section"
  • Select "final materials" for the course
  • Select "rent", "buy used", "buy new" or "rent digital textbook".
  • Select "add item to cart"
  • Select "go to cart"
  • Review your order and select "proceed to checkout"

Can I ship my books to campus?

Yes! It's free! We will store them in the mailroom, and they can be claimed during or after Move-In Day. Please note: the default shipping address is to campus. If you don't know your mailbox number yet, simply enter "NA" for the box number. If you want your books shipped to your home, uncheck the box that says "ship my books to campus" before entering a new address.