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A degree in radiologic technology offers graduates various career opportunities in healthcare. They can work as radiologic technologists, operating X-ray, MRI, or CT machines to create images of patients' bodies for diagnosis or treatment.
Others may specialize in areas such as mammography, nuclear medicine, or cardiovascular imaging, focusing on specific types of procedures or patient populations. Some graduates pursue roles in radiation therapy, assisting oncologists in delivering radiation treatments to cancer patients.
Average salary is based on a radiologic technologist position from Job posting data is for radiology technologist positions and is provided by Lightcast. This number represents unique job postings from companies looking to hire in the last 30 days as of May 2024.
In order to obtain an A.A. degree from the University of Sioux Falls, a student must complete a total of at least 64 semester hours. The requirement of 32 semester hours in residence at the University is not waived for students in the A.A. program in radiologic technology.
Complete the following courses:
General Biology
General Psychology
Information Literacy and Rhetorical Purpose
Introduction to the Bible
The USF Experience
University Writing and Rhetorics
Complete the following courses. Alternatives for the following courses: CHE111 or CHE121, COM104 or COM205.
Computer Solutions
Fundamentals of Communication
General Chemistry I
Human Anatomy
Human Physiology
Intro to Computer Science I
Minimum of 17 s.h. of elective courses. Alternatives for the following courses: CHE112 or CHE122, PHY101 or PHY201.
Fundamentals of Sociology
General Chemistry II
Intro to Organic & Biochemistry
Introduction to Christian Thought and Practice
Introductory College Physics
Science Literature Review
The best way to get to know USF is through a visit! Take a virtual tour or sign up for an in-person visit to understand what it's like to be a University of Sioux Falls student.
Visit OptionsYour future awaits at USF. Learn more about the application process or request more information to get started. Our admissions counselors are ready to connect to help you navigate the college application process.
A biology minor offers students the opportunity to gain a solid foundation in biological sciences while pursuing a major in a different field.
A Bachelor of Science in Chemistry offers an in-depth education in the chemical sciences, preparing students for various professional and academic pathways.
A traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is designed to provide students with comprehensive training in nursing practice, combining theoretical knowledge with clinical experience.
A Bachelor of Science in Paramedic Technology is a comprehensive program designed to prepare students for advanced practice as paramedics.
Pre-medicine is a track designed to complement a bachelor's degree, providing students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to pursue further education and a career in medicine.
Pre-occupational or physical therapy tracks are designed to complement a bachelor's degree, providing students with the foundational knowledge and prerequisites necessary for admission to occupational therapy (OT) or physical therapy (PT) graduate programs.